Sunday, September 4, 2011

Want to Stop People Pleasing And Start Pleasing Your Self?

Do you know that many individuals give away their power and integrity through automatic people pleasing behaviours? Do you know that you probably do it without even knowing that you do? Do you know this is one of the chief causes of low self esteem and low self worth? Do you know this subconsciously driven automatic tendency was programmed into you when you were very young and were expected by the adults around you to conform in order to be loved, wanted, valued, appreciated, needed, secure, safe, and ultimately so that you could survive? Finally do you know that those old programs only deplete your energy, self confidence, strength, and leave you feeling needy and unattractive? So if you would like to learn how address this self destructive program and take back your life then read this.

People pleasing behaviour is driven by old negative memories of having been forgotten, neglected, unwanted, unloved, rejected, humiliated, abandoned etc. These memories which get stored deep in the subconscious mind have associated with them the old pain of these experiences i.e. feelings of sadness, inadequacy, disappointment, anger, low self worth etc. In order to function day to day the pain from this "emotional baggage" must out of necessity be kept out of immediate conscious awareness.

Well it turns out that any event in the present such as being ignored by a friend/colleague will act as a trigger that has the potential to re-evoke much of the old pain associated with similar painful memories from the past. This can leave a person feeling insecure, vulnerable, unsafe and anxious when they are in social situations that they can't control.

The fear is not about whether others will or won't like or appreciate them rather that such triggering events will bring into awareness much of the old pain. This is why I refer to this old emotional baggage metaphorically as a series of "emotional landmines". A person who carries such landmines is always faced with having to do damage control by trying to please others so that they won't ignore by them and thus trigger the old pain.

Sadly this leads them to appear to others as needy, weak, dependent and unattractive and only increases their chances of rejection and of being vulnerable to re-experiencing the flood of old pain time and again. Now there is a way to permanently and completely address this.

All that is required is the deletion of the emotional landmines. When this is done the person no longer feels vulnerable and hence the need to guard against old re-emerging pain completely disappears. This frees one to be relaxed, spontaneous, confident, attractive, self respecting and successful to name a few.

To learn more about a new coaching process that can help you achieve this kindly visit the web site below where you can also request a free introductory telephone/skype consultation that will help you begin to get your self esteem and self respect back.

Nick Arrizza MD, a former Psychiatrist and Medical Doctor is now an International Life, Executive, Spiritual Tele-Coach, Author the developer of the powerful Mind Resonance Process® (MRP).

A Free 1 Hour Introductory MRP Telephone/Skype Consultation and a Free E-copy of my new book are available upon request. (You will be asked to cover your own long distance telephone charges)

Web Site:

Copyright © 2011, Nick Arrizza M.D., All Rights Reserved Worldwide (Feel free to share this with others)

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