Monday, September 19, 2011

Our Ideas And Thoughts Into Reality

How many times have you had a thought about doing or wanting something, only to let it slip away?

I do believe that what is meant for us will not pass us by and if it is right, the things that do pass us by will come back to us at the right time and sometimes this could take a short amount of time or it could take years, the point is, when something is truly meant, it will keep coming at us over and over again until we sit up and take notice of it.

If we want something badly enough, we can however help things greatly with positive visualisation and thus turning our thoughts into reality.

It is not just about purely having a thought and then leaving it up to the universe, it is about meeting the universe half-way and we have to put in the time, positive energy, hard work, dedication, practice and patience, the key is not to give up.

If you have a thought that you want to make into a reality you need to hold the thought and start to be pro-active with it. Set the wheels in motion in the physical sense, no matter how small the action is you are already on the road to making your thought a reality. Watch the snowball effect that takes place.

We will soon have something up on our site helping you to create your own vision board, which is a useful tool for turning your thoughts into reality.

Visualisation helps too, by visualising yourself where you want to be and achieving each small goal step by step, laying the foundations and gradually gathering momentum until you feel yourself speeding along.

Pause for a moment every so often to see how far you have come from your thought into reality process, pick up the reins, let the thoughts keep flowing and achieve the next goal. In being pro-active you have released your thought and created a reality.

I always also say to people be careful what you want to attract and to make sure that what you think you want, is really what you actually do want in reality, because sometimes if you think really hard about something, maybe it is not what you want after all.

Some things take longer that others to achieve but remember don't give up, you will get there in the end.

View the original article here

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