Thursday, September 15, 2011

Are We Unstoppable?

It happens to the best of us. We all go through trials and tribulations in life. No matter what we do, we all experience it one way or another. The real question is: are we stoppable? Can we be stopped? If we can be, life will stop us dead on our tracks. I've seen it happen time and time again.

When we're chasing anything worthwhile, we must expect challenges along the way. That's just the way it is. Big dreams are challenging. That's why so few people come out on the other side. It's so easy and comfortable to just give up and do things that are "acceptable" to society. It's very uncomfortable to struggle; however, it's part of the process. An adventure without challenges and struggle is not an adventure.

Mike Dillard is a good real-life example of the point I'm making here. If you don't know his story, do research on it. His adventure is a full-scale test of his unstoppability and the possibilities that can arise when we believe and persistently act on our matter what. He went through very serious issues on his way to the top. I can just imagine society's rejection and ridicule towards him when he was going through his process.

Most people only listen to the "before" and "after" stories. It's very important to learn about the "during" too. That's the real deal. That's where the real-life lessons are. It's important to know that there were times he had to pawn his personal stuff just to eat. That's serious stuff. Very serious. A lot of people would have given up at that point.

That kind of circumstance would weed out the wanna-be's from the must-be's. Obviously, he had a must-be attitude in him. All these were happening during the early 2000's. Now, let's fast-forward to 2011. I do not have access to his financials, but with the best guesstimate I could project between the Better Networker, Magnetic Sponsoring, and The Elevation Group (not counting the other ventures I don't know anything about), it's safe and conservative to say that his monthly cash flow right now just from these 3 sites alone would be in the $1,000,000 a month range...most likely more. From pawning for food to $1,000,000 a month in less than a decade.

I wonder what would have happened if he decided to quit in 2003 or even halfway in 2004? Where would he be now? What would his life be like? Let's think about that for a minute. How would this apply to our own lives? Nobody has a crystal ball to say what the future will hold, but we will never know our true potential unless we begin to adopt an unstoppable philosophy. Life will give us what we want when we pass the unstoppability test...when we don't quit...when we keep on keeping on in spite of the laughters and naysayers all around us. Believe me, they are very loud. They will do the best they can (most of the time in guise of them doing this to help you) to stop you. That's just the way it is.

You know what's fascinating? Those very people trying to stop us has not done what we're out to do. What exactly do I mean? It's best to illustrate it this way: when we ask a plumber how to do heart surgery, most likely, he'll say it can't be done. He'll discourage us from even trying to look into it, not because we can't do it, but because in his mind and belief structure, he can't do it.

Now what will happen if we asked a heart surgeon if it's possible to do heart surgery? You tell me what the answer would be. It's like asking someone earning $30,000 a year if it's possible to earn $30,000 a month. What do you think will be the answer? What if we asked someone earning $150,000 a month if it's possible to earn $30,000 a month? What do you think will be the answer?

The whole point here is: don't listen to anyone who has not done what you want to do. Listen to those who have already done it already, and do what they did. Follow their process. That's the whole principle behind the cookbooks. Even if I haven't cooked before, if I can read, follow directions, and have the right ingredients to work with, I can successfully cook any dish I so long as I have to right recipe to follow. Whether we believe this or not doesn't matter. That's just the way it is.

Where do we go from here? We need to ask ourselves some very serious questions:

(1) Are we unstoppable?
(2) What are we willing to go through to get to where we want to be?
(3) Are the things we're doing now leading us closer or farther from what we want in life?

Only we can answer these questions. Our answers can predict our future. It's all up to us. The bottom line is we are responsible for what we do or do not do in our lives. Whether we agree to this or not doesn't matter. It's the truth. Let's take a deep breath, write down how we want our lives to be, and take the first step to make it happen...then the next...then the next...until we get there. Or, we can simply quit now and settle for whatever we want to settle for. It's We totally control our own ship.

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