Positive attitude alone doesn't guarantee you success in life. However, without the right positive attitude to boost your effort, it is akin to driving an F-1 sports car powered by low grade fuel. Not a very pretty sight, don't you agree?
So, how do you build a positive attitude in your life? Here are 7 suggestions that you can implement immediately.
1) Surround yourself with positiveness. You are who and what you associate yourself with. It has been said that if you want to become rich, mix together with rich people. If you want to be happier, mix together with happy people. So, if you want to be more positive? You get the idea.
2) Read, listen and watch positive ideas. Nowadays, there are lots of books on self-development, audio programs on virtually any subject that may interest you and also tonnes of free inspirational video clips on YouTube. It's a good place to start. Spend 10 - 15 minutes a day and you can reap the benefits of positive thinking.
3) Change how you associate your beliefs to events. What governs your attitude? It's your feelings. What governs your feelings? It's your belief. For example, if you believe that change is a nuisance, you will feel miserable when you are put in a situation that requires you to make some changes. When you start to feel miserable, your attitude towards that change will reflect how you are feeling at that moment. One of the most powerful things you can do is to change your belief about that event. Instead of associating change with nuisance, you can associate it with new opportunities for growth. It's not going to be easy or comfortable. But then again, successful people excel at doing things which ordinary people won't do.
4) Change the way you ask questions. I find that many people are very poor at asking questions. They ask questions that invite negative answers. For example, when facing a problem, they will ask, "Why is this stupid thing happening to me?" Now you try to answer that question. What about if the following questions were asked instead, "What can I do to solve this problem?" or "Who can I look to for advice or assistance with this problem?" Are your answers similar to the first question or different?
5) Begin with the end in mind. This is an advice from Franklin Covey, author of the book '7 Habits of Highly Effective People'. If I ask the question, "Do you want to be rich and successful?" I believe that nearly everyone would say yes. Then, if I ask the next question, "Are you willing to do what it takes to be rich and successful?" a handful of people will still say yes. Finally if I ask, "Can you start now?" how many people do you think will still say, "Yes, let's do it now." You see, the problem is not with the goal. Everyone wants it. It's the grinding process that people have an issue with. We live in an 'instant' society. Instant noodles, instant coffee, instant gratification, instant wealth, etc. But the reality is instant is not healthy. So, if you find it painful to focus on the journey, keep your focus on the 'end' instead. Stay focused there. Anytime you feel your battery running low, focus on it again.
6) Begin each day with thanksgiving. It has been said that people will complain about the shoes they are wearing until they see someone with no feet. It's so easy to whine about what our job, our company, our boss, our co-workers, our employees, our life, our spouse, our children, our car, our phone, our size, blah, blah, blah. And whining certainly leads to feeling miserable which will guarantee you negative attitude. So, my suggestion is to begin each day by giving thanks for what you already have. Try it now. However, don't do it like this though: I am thankful that I have a job (although it's boring and the pay sucks). Instead, really give thanks sincerely. For instance, "I'm thankful for my job because I can provide for my family's needs. I know of people who don't even have a job now. I'm so blessed." Do it and see how it affects your attitude.
7) Get moving. What happens to water that stays still for too long? It smells. The same thing is true for you and I. If we don't get going and do something, it's impossible to feel positive about ourselves.
One of the hardest things to do is to take action. We love to acquire knowledge which we don't really use. But knowing something and doing it is as good as not knowing it at all. So, if you believe that a positive attitude will improve your life, get beyond knowing and start doing.
Luke Bong is a motivational speaker, trainer and author. Visit his website at http://www.lukebong.com/ for more ideas and resources you can use to energize your life.
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