Monday, September 5, 2011

Everything You Know Is Correct - Understand The Power of Self-Fulfilling Prophecies

Self-fulfilling Prophecy

What you know... is correct!

How your thoughts, beliefs and emotions have a real effect on your life and your financial situation.

Self-fulfilling prophecy - What you believe become reality. This term was developed by Robert K Merton, but examples in Philosophy date back to ancient Greece and ancient India.

The idea is, what you predict will happen, whether it is false or not, will impact on the outcome. If you predict something that is originally false, but you believe it is right, your actions, mostly subconscious actions will affect the situation. The differences in your behaviours result in a different outcome than what would have happened.

Smile:) everybody's doing it.

Let's start with some basic examples, before we move on to how they affect your financial situation, and how we could improve your financial situation.

1. What is one of the quickest way to receive a smile from somebody? You could give them some money, tell a joke, or do them a favour. This would probably make most people smile, but there is a much simpler way to receive a smile from somebody, and that is to smile at them first!

Think about it, if you're sitting across from someone you know at work, school or at Uni, and give them a friendly smile, I would bet that most people would smile back.

If you sitting there, cold and cut off from the world, never smiling, always angry and ignoring people, who is going to smile at you? Nobody!

So here is the Real Question: Do most people smile at you?

Did you answer yes or no? How would you react if you though most people smile at you? How would you react if you thought most people wouldn't smile at you? Neither of them are correct... Atm.

Q. If you thought most people would smile at you would you do?

A. you would smile at everybody you saw. Following on from our previous example if you smile at everybody, then most of them would smile at you - you were correct.

Q. If you thought most people wouldn't smile at you what would you do?

A. You wouldn't smile at them. What would be the point? Why go to the effort of trying to be friendly when you KNOW nobody is going to smile at you. There is no point. Once again you were correct.

So, if you know most people will smile at you (Belief) - you smile (Action)

Because you smiled (Action) - they smiled (Result)

You're correct; you belief directly affected the result, making it correct.

If you know most people will NOT smile at you (Belief) - you wouldn't smile (Action)

Because you didn't smile (Action) - they didn't smile (Result)

You're correct; you belief directly affected the result, making it correct.

And THAT is a Self-Fulfilling Prophecy!

Employees work just enough not to get fired and
Employers pay just enough so they won't quit

Let's explore the impact on a deeper level - at work maybe.

As a general rule, let's assume (as is generally accepted) that if you work hard, you'll get promoted, and if you don't do you work properly you'll get fired.

So here is the question:

Are you going to get promoted, or fired?

Let's look at the negative side first, at this point I can't say if you're going to get fired or not.

What would you do if you KNEW that you were going to get fired in two weeks, if you KNEW that no matter what you did, you would get fired. It doesn't matter if you work harder or slack off. In your mind, you boss has already told you the bad new, "pack your bags in two weeks, and good luck in the future you lazy, good-for-nothing nobody".

If you knew this is going to happen, what would you do? Would you work harder? Or would you slack off a bit? Maybe take a few office supplies home, photocopy something inappropriate? I think it's obvious that you're not going to put your best effort in.

What is the outcome if you follow this pattern? You're going to get fired!

Let's look on the optimistic side now.

If you KNEW that you were going to get a promotion soon, what would you do? You KNOW that a promotion was just around the corner. Soon you ARE going to get a pay-rise, maybe a new office, and definitely a new title.

Would you slack off and maybe jeopardise your chance? Or would you work that little bit harder? Pay more attention, stay a little longer, maybe volunteer for new activities that would increase your worth in the company.

What is the outcome of this belief? You've shown extra initiative! You've shown interest in your job! You're working harder and better than all the people who KNOW they're going to get fired. It looks like you're the best person for the job, don't you think. You've got the promotion you were expecting.

I'm not just blowing hot air here, I'm not just saying "think positive and the world is yours"; these are some real examples to give meaning to all that Hippie mumbo-jumbo.

I hope you agree with the previous examples given, and can see how your beliefs affect your actions, and how it in turn affects the results.


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