Ever been frustrated? Have ever been angry? Ever been depressed? All of these are derived from the degustatorowi of a gap between where you are and where you want to be. Ever felt those emotions arranged for yourself? For example, you could ever felt lonely and then felt depressed because you're lonely? Or felt frustrated because you're wrong? Now you are the degustatorowi of a gap between how he feels and how you feel. But things start to really nasty if you decide that these layers of feeling are damaged. Now not only do you feel Angry about something frustrating about Your anger and bad for your frustration (for example), but now you're feeling bad. And in that State is not known why or what exactly you feel you know that simply does not feel good. You have so far away from the initial Bo "even remember not, why do you feel what you feel like you just know that you feel it. I have lost objectivity. You forget a sense of excitement and convince yourself that the emotions you are. But they are not. Your emotions come and go. Who you are and shall remain long before there were emotions. So as to meet the negative emotions?
After the first one to remember, that is the only emotion. I say that I feel depressed or angry, or frustrated or sad. But they are not. You Are. Simply you feel these things. Were placed, your being, and you are in, but you are not. When one is aware it is then possible to create objects of these emotions to see them for what they are. And what they are, is a signal to you that there is a discrepancy between who you are and what they really are. They are a reminder that there is more life than what you're feeling right now. Or are they increase the possibilities to experience something deeper in the light of the recovery of the opposing emotions. And all that is good. Recognize that these emotions are serving you. For all things serve Your growth, the evolution of your soul. Live in the world, perfectly designed by our own collective intentions to reflect to us what we have to be rediscovered our true nature, and remember, we experience the first time. How can I experience things, truly, if you never played in anything else?
Therefore the stronger "negative" emotion, his method is still the truth about you. The more you are frustrated with the current situation, the more you know (unconsciously) you can be. These emotions are not so bad, but rather indicators that do not yet exist alone as all that You would be. And it is useful. This is You, at the level of the deepest, inspiring you to experience more of who You ARE. You can see that it is not that these emotions that make us feel bad. This is our judgments about them in our decision that is damaged and does not serve us, when in fact they do. But what's more, we really are we losing sight of who. While you might forget that we can for our larger than our emotions, we confused our emotions for our generators. But as I said to our emotions are not who we are. Pass the emotions. Who are you is eternal, limited, unbounded. Therefore, while we believe we have our emotions, we can separate us from the power that we are to our emotions and secular, becoming victims of them. And this is what creates a feeling of deep unhappiness. This unhappiness is prompted us to remind us that we are on a path that does not support us that moving away from the truth about who they really are. Our unhappiness screaming at us, which is almost, powerful and unmissable indicator is something is amiss in our thinking, make sure that we have forgotten who we are.
You are the creator of Your emotions, do not fall victim to them. Only if you confused yourself on Your emotions you can have the power by the user. There is only one power supply, and that is the strength of who they really are. When you get yourself as you are, then you'll really do all the things as they really are. If you realize that emotions you know that the probe will pass too, and that is something, but not Who You Are. You know that this moment, and all that is therein is always serving the highest good. We are, and then select create it, as Your soul desires, they should be.
see more at: http://www.wrknight.com/or follow me on Twitter: @ wrknight09
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