Do you know that most people, without realizing it automatically operate from a series of subconsciously driven programs that cause them by default to feel and behave like dependent, small, helpless and needy children? Do you know this makes them unattractive, unsuccessful in relationships, feel weak and unworthy, lowers their self esteem, and leaves them prone to rejection? Do you know this is like walking around in a hypnotic trance like state believing that you are something/someone other than who you "really" are? Finally, do you know that it is now possible to permanently wakeup from this debilitating nightmare, remember and re-experience one's mature, confident, independent, self sufficient and empowered adult self? Want to learn more?
Suppose you went to a stage hypnosis show and while there decided to become one of the guinea pigs who was on stage. While under hypnosis you were given the suggestion that from now on whenever you perceived that someone was rejecting you you'd start to feel and behave like an unloved, small, weak, helpless, unwanted, needy child of 5 years of age.
So after the show each time this happened you'd find yourself automatically and with little self control rapidly regressing into this embarrassing child like state. Can you imagine how your life would unfold with this internal subconscious program repeatedly being re-triggered?
I am sure that for many of you it's probably more familiar than you'd like to admit and also it isn't because you were ever hypnotised by a stage hypnotist. Rather it's because you were "hypnotised" into believing that you were unloved and unwanted when you were a young and very hypnotically suggestible child by the adults around your who for whatever reason failed to give you the kind of nurturing environment that made you feel safe, secure, wanted, loved, at peace, able to be playfully spontaneous, and grow up to be a self confident, self assured mature adult.
So that means that you remain stuck with an old outdated notion that you are unwanted and unloved. That notion is generated and supported by the old negative memories of the early life events that remain stored inside your subconscious mind and serve as the "hypnotic evidence" for why you feel the way you do.
Few people ever escape this nightmarish trance like state and instead find these limiting negative self perceptions severely constrict their self expression, creative potential and their over all sense of personal fulfillment and success in life. This is unfortunate because all it takes now to address this is to simply "wake up" from that hypnotic trance much like how wakes up from a sleeping nightmare.
So how does one do that you ask?
Well, in this context, waking up, implies that the internal subconscious "movie" called the negative memory that plays itself our on the screen of the mind must be permanently shut off. That is accomplished simply and rapidly with a new empowerment coaching process that permanently deletes those negative memories.
When this happens the individual literally within moments starts to feel more like their adult capable self. The feelings of smallness, weakness, insecurity, low self confidence, inadequacy and so on are replaced with an experience of self sufficiency, independence, inner strength, energy, excitement about life, creativity, self assuredness, maturity and much more to name only a few.
So if you are one of those individuals who has been searching for a way to your authentic empowered and capable self kindly visit the web site below where you can learn more and/or request a free introductory telephone/Skype consultation that will begin to help you take your life back.
Nick Arrizza MD, a former Psychiatrist and Medical Doctor is now an International Life, Executive, Spiritual Tele-Coach, Author the developer of the powerful Mind Resonance Process® (MRP).
A Free 1 Hour Introductory MRP Telephone/Skype Consultation and a Free E-copy of my new book are available upon request. (You will be asked to cover your own long distance telephone charges)
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Copyright © 2011, Nick Arrizza M.D., All Rights Reserved Worldwide (Feel free to share this with others)
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