Whether you're feeling negative, i just don't want to no longer feel that way?
Response protection against anything "negative", (including diseases, depression, anger and fatigue) is so simple that will surprise you that again.
Here is a mathematical fact: the only way you're feeling "negative" is, if your energy is "negative" in the zone, the scale of energy (are you a power insufficient.) If you keep yourself filled with large amounts of energy (filled with a lot of power), you will keep yourself on the positive end of the scale. If you can keep yourself Power-full, it will always be positive things and feelings.
It's really easy!
Energy is measured in megahertz (MHz). Our bodies use energy to function properly. For example, our brain requires a 72-90 MHz of energy perform optimally.
We get our energy from many different sources.
Power source:
Food: Live food, such as raw vegetables and fresh fruits are high in energy, cooked food has very little energy.
Character: Rose has, for example, 350 MHz power.
Other persons: When we're around other, we can transfer energy to each other. If you are filled with high energy (you are positive) and you are in the presence of someone who is what's energy (they are negative), cannot receive any power from them, because they have none to give. You can, however, will be exhausted in some of the network of energy as they need to pay for from you.
Environment: Churches are filled with people from "positive" Praising God are positive energy sources for all participants, the gatherings of hate groups consisting of bad or "negative" people will deplete the energy of all participants.
If successfully we deliver us with much more energy than what are authorities require work optimally, we feel it is too positive. We will have enough power available to ' active ' in other activities.
If you do not provide us with for our body with enough energy to operate optimally, the body uses the available energy is the most important organs and systems functioning at neglecting others. Our body becomes energy of defective and will we feel "bad" or "negative" as a result.
People are nonchalant or "laid-back" normally provide their bodies with a sufficient quantity of energy for their bodies to function properly, which leaves them living in the zone "zero" and no additional power available for other activities.
The scope of the energy scale is as follows:
Negative zone-zone neutral->--> positive zone
Power full of people: Always feeling positive. You can go to the "negative" or environments around the "negative" people and has no effect. Others feel good in his presence, because they are emitting energy that is absorbed by the other. They reside in the positive zone.
People neutral: Can influence dramatically in both way, positive or negative. Around the "negative" people or in a ' negative ' energy depleted, they will quickly and easily moved into the negative zone. Around people "positive", he will immediately feel the good energy due to the dose received.
People are negative: Leech power from positive. They are generally sickly and lower the energy of the people around them. People don't like the around them much because they are usually difficult to get along with and others feel "wrong" their presence. They are usually very bad and do not understand why they feel angry all the time.
People are slightly positive: Feel good most of the time, but you can easily upset the negative experiences or negative person. Easily move into the negative zone.
You may be placed anywhere along the scale of energy during the day. How many daily supplies your body MHz will be the determining factor.
Is simple mathematics:
Add multiple positive energy positive energy and feel the positive energy. A lot of positive energy check box must be subtracted when negative energy or environments around negative people and you will definitely feel bad. Whether the addition or subtraction of positive energy and power, as very positive, add or subtract will determine how you feel.
Choose to feed a positive energy to become Power-full!
Karen e. Smith is the best-selling author of Christian Positve energy diet: nutrition for the positive energy of God residing in Word to become Power-full! Has also released an article entitled, simply, the Amazing Secret of the Holy Bible that very few People Know or Utilize and its New book titled, The Most asked questions Around the World the answers! Inspiration for God.
www: http://www.energydietbook.com/
YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/EnergyDietBook
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