Monday, August 8, 2011

The applicant is a Habit

"Instead of complaining that the rose Bush is full of thorns, be happy that thorn bush want roses."

-German Proverb

If ever you complain? Or should please, how many times a day do you complain and what is that you are complaining about? It becomes such a habit that most of the time, that we must simply complain on autopilot. And at many times what we are complaining about is a blessing in disguise.

Now granted, there are problems in life which are normal complain just as the people who you don't know how to drive! (Ironic Tongue) You ever caught yourself complaining about guy that cut off a user, or that he was the light? Do you ever wonder how some people passed their driving test?

I, like many people can become frustrated by these people Crazy! But one day, I decided to drive as if that wasn't in a to get somewhere, and regardless of what each did while behind the wheel was going to be equally well with me. To my surprise my ride, my mood and my attitude has changed. It was not a problem anymore.

Yesterday my friend was telling me her son was coming home from school. I said, "I bet you are so excited." She said, "I'm except I know that it will have a stack of laundry to do." Believe me, I know how much she loves him, but this is just example of mindless applicant we do.

I say this as a judgment, but as an observation, since we all do and need to become more conscious of when and how we do it and what can we complain. I told her, "you get to do his laundry! What to do if you do not have it? I bet, and then you can do something to give his laundry.

The complainant can become a habit. We are looking for what's wrong instead of APPRECIATING what is right. We may complain that "we have to" take things instead, realizing how happy we are that we get to "follow" them. Or, for that matter, that we can even do it.

Just for today to try and go through the day without complaining. And if you do, Save what has been around and how many times you complained. Will be surprised how often silly little things will be developed are insignificant in the big scheme of things.

Then save everything you need to be thankful for; who, what and why. Think of it, just don't Brush. After the list is seen several times a day and every morning, and then see how focusing on the Benedictines make you feel unwell.

It is only when we will be a broader awareness that think and say that we may substitute or change it or keep it the same. My guess is that there is one person who cannot benefit from this exercise.

All we have many in our life that we take for granted. So now start and stop the habit he complaining and replace it with the habit of being grateful in return.

Susan Russo is an author and trainer, whose work has inspired people around the world to take their strength! Or authority to yourself to do the same? Discover Renaty 7 keys to unlock the power and life that you deserve to live!

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