Nobody likes criticism at some point in his life, however, it is inevitable to be criticized.
When I was young, and are often criticized. I was called "Kaczatko", "Big fat" girl only to offer you several labels these severe strongly you can leave a person with a bruised ego. I spent to cope with criticism when I was in school. I spotkalaby really angry and had comments that made me feel miserable for days and even months.
In my adult life to get negative comments from time to time. My approach to criticism has changed slightly in years. I realised that I have control over what people want to say, but I have control over how to choose to respond to the criticism.
I will analyze it and that is customarily or destructive criticism. Will know if reviews was intended for help or hurt you. If it is constructive feedback, thank person for opinions and seek ways to improve and better. If the criticism there is no justification, don't take it personally, and if possible add humor to it.
I have found some useful examples dealing with critics.
When someone bluntly says "you look fat", try to answer by saying: "WOW! Thank you for telling me that I look "Fabulous, Awesome and Terrific!" Certainly would leave the person either confuse or speechless.
What if someone says, "look down on you". Be jovially says: ' Oh! You have failed to realise, and I'm not wearing heels. I can wear heels that are 4 inches higher than yours truly, and we see, that is closer to the sky. " Observe how the person reacts to you.
They are told, "you eat so much today, you need to go on a diet". Reply by saying: "to do this, I would like to listen to, but I think skinny person who fall from the 10th floor with broken bones freak me out! In my view, if that person has the spare tyre is rounded, protected with a pillow, she may be able to reflect and remain alive! "
Billy Cosby said "through humor, the user may Soften some of the worst recent, which gives life. And if you find a laugh, regardless of how painful the situation may be, it can survive. "
Have fun, find creative ways to deal with critics! Good humor is a tonic for the mind and body. Please report your critics to sense and make them wonder what are thinking.
Someone said "they can fly since Angels take themselves lightly; The Devils fall due to gravity. "
Critics of the destructive attempt you can push down and hurt you. The decision to make destructive criticism lightly.
When criticism of the strike, most creative, positive vibes, humour and FLY like an Angel.
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