Do you have the habit to focus on the negative messages? Are you repeatedly attract the same circumstances, same persons, and with the same relationships pointless? Your voice inside the sound, more or less so; "Just don't want it to be nothing lives," "I'm sad and depressed all the time," "my life" also? How to change the pattern of thought that it did not bring the expected results?
We all know habits shape our lives and there are different ways to change a habit. The concept is simply create new thoughts. Every time I have, defeating Auto or sabotage of thought, replace it with thoughts that will guide you one step closer to the target. "You must remember before you change, change, you need to go." Zig Ziglar
Described below is the method that is used to create new patterns or reprogrammed to my thoughts. This is a technique that can be used several times a day with little to the effort. The more you replace negative thoughts with positive, it was believed at the time, which will be automatically moved to the new way of thinking. The more you use it, the better.
Set the body
Here is a technique that you learned from Jack Canfield, called "change the location of the body." Stand up with hands down on your page, your Chin tucked and say, "I'm excited and happy." Note the tone voice. Although they are saying something positive, "it said, with subwoofer and convincing. Now stand up from your chin and arms held high as Rocky when he ran the stairs in the movie and say, "I'm bored and tired." Due to its position as a body force you can say negative statement with vigor and confidence. So change the thoughts, negative thinking, the next time you find yourself, you can create better sensation of body position.
Times Mirror
Another technique that you can use is called "the mirror of time". Take some time each day, about 10-15 minutes, stand in front of the mirror and repeat positive affirmations to yourself. An affirmation is that a statement of a goal in its completed state. Here are some examples: "I'm my perfect body." "I'm my perfect weight." "I'm kind and generous." "I'm so happy now that I'm surrounded by people who love and support me." Want to search in his eyes, while to say of these reports and really feels, which would be similar to the implementation of these activities.
Now these words coupled with you putting the effort presented its intention, will bring about the desired result. It would be impossible becomes the body or weight if he continued to eat unhealthy, do not carry out and smoke 3 packs of cigarettes daily. The objective is to strengthen the exercise of command ' and'm ' by hearing it, seeing yourself say and really sense of joyous energy is displayed by acting like. With practice and visualize your feelings will be used by the experience that the energie movement will present the user. The exercise mirror was really a favorite!
Rules for 21 days
Another exercise that you can use is called the principle of 21 days. The Idea of rule 21 days is that take 21 days to create a new habit. So anything for 21 days in a row, if it becomes habit.
Suppose that next 21 days you decide that you are about to walk 45 minutes a day. You can make it to the SMART goal as monitors. SMART specific, measurable, is standing for the achievable, realistic and time-limited. To be specific? -Yes. Starting July 11, 2011 to July 31,2011, help for 45 minutes a day. Whether the goal is measurable? -Yes. You can time yourself 45 minutes walk each day. The objective is achieved? -Yes. You can reach on foot and 45 minutes for the next 21 days. It is a realistic goal? -Yes. You can realistically set aside 45 minutes a day for the next 21 days. Is this the time? -Yes. Scheduled for July 11, 2011 to July 31,2011 as your time frame to complete this goal.
We are all capable of accomplishing our objectives and we must simply be rediscovered ways to stay on target and overcome obstacles.
Keith is a personal coach development and Online marketing. Empowers and inspires Discover their passions, to fulfil their dreams and achieve their humans. To learn more, visit:
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