Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Three steps to increase Your happiness

If your question could take one guess: what is the best way to increase your happiness? What would you be responding?
Happiness is something that everyone wants to achieve. Yet many people never reach the level of happiness, which they want to use. Why Is That? because they don't make the effort to achieve what they want. I am sure you have heard this already; If you work with additional 5% will put you in the League it major. However, 95% of us do not want to work with additional 5%.

Work on Your happiness
Specify what you want in your life
The best way to increase Your happiness is to work for him. Don't become like magic. Is responsible for doing what you need to do to be happy. Close your eyes and think about what makes a person happier. May want to have better relations with his spouse and children or had a project a year ago and did not finish it and it gives a lot of satisfaction when you finish it. You know you want and what will give you more happiness in your life. If you really know what you want in your life, the changes that you make will be easier.

Your plan for how you will achieve what you want
Then write a plan where you choose will be what action to take, a schedule which will have, etc. The first step is very important to work with more than 95% of all people. We all know are, what they want in life; Family, BMW, nice house, sound, etc. However, few think like you do. A good plan, you're ahead of 95% of all people, I said a good plan, don't forget that part. Plan for 5 minutes, when you say, I want to travel annually so actions that will be taken in order to earn more money is not sufficient. This may seem like a good plan, but you don't have a specific plan to follow and probably will succeed. It would be a good plan; I need more money to travel, so it will work for additional hours 5 per week and all of the additional money that will be displayed on the account goes, especially in the case of the journey. Now you have a good plan, which will be performed because you know that you will have to work extra hours 5 per week, and if not in this way you will not achieve what you want.

Start right NOW!
After the completion of the plan and you can get more specific, time to get started right NOW. No more Excuses are tolerated. Do you want to be happy? Are you ready to work the extra 5%? These are the need to answer questions, and if the answer is "no" in one of two well I'm sorry to say that it will fail. If you're ready for this, what should I do if you are ready to give that extra 5% succeed to be in the League's major doubt exists.

Use of this method in each area of your life
This additional 5% in each area of your life. Will consider how improvements can be done in a year!

What do I need to do?
Specify what you want in your life; objectives, objective, performance ...Your plan for how you will achieve what is; action to take, plan ... Start now!

Patrick Malboeuf is a young entrepreneur who is working on the http://www.self-improvement-4u.com/Web site to help as many people as you can have a better life.
Follow me on Twitter: @ selfimprove_4u

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