Monday, July 18, 2011

What makes you happy or Unhappy? Just think of that!

"Not what you are, who you are or where you are or what do you do, thanks, happy or unhappy. Is what you think about it. " Dale Carnegie, 1888-1955

At present, there is a GEM that may know already-reminder, you can do that Your very best to live this way may, created no real progress that you want to have in this area, perhaps you could focus a little more on it today!

happy or unhappyWe are, what we have given the thought, we think, in short. Think energy waves, they have a frequency, like radio waves. The fact that they cannot be seen, it means they are not there-they are! Currently we accept radio waves as something normal-was not the case in Marconi. Had a hard time with family and friends to the point where he was admitted to a hospital psychiatric unit because all thinking he had dropped the bunkers!

Waves of energy are around us, stay around us, hang around us. We are so concerned now with Carbon Footprint, we leave behind-if we are only as powerful as he was retired and hangs them a long time and consume so much more careful with them.

Hmmm, really curious about. OK example: have you ever walked into a room where previously to you, people simply had a terrible argument, real nasty fight with words. Come into the room and they talk, they don't even pretend everything is hunky-dory by greeting you with a false smile. Yet they can sense something is wrong in the air, and you can't put your finger on it. Even when they are placed on the sort of attention for it, says nothing happened, but deep inside, inside Your gut's telling you different. This is the footprint of energy. Become about its existence.

In what way? Seeing as how you feel when you go somewhere on the shop or restaurant, event, family, where you like, change your feelings and I don't know why, you can simply joined the cloud footprint of energy is not really jazz as you feel like you were.

You can help to dissipate the negative energy footprint while making sure that all their ideas are as pure and positive and for your benefit, Alternatively, you can create them. Let's take this will not only make life better that's attracting or connect what they have in their lives, but also for the rest of the world. By having a negative thought, kept feeding this trace of negative energy which hangs. Ignoring this would go away.

If you feel that Your effort is only small, it should be remembered that there is a big thing i think about it, but small things to think and do great!

Elvire-certified LifeSuccess consultant, Smith, inspires women to Discover how to create a life of their dreams by teaching tools for their star in their existence. "You Become what you think about!" Think about your life dream, imagine, plan it, achieve it. Elvire is all about no fluff tips/tools and programmes, in view of the serious and searching-Expander. She can be contacted at She is looking forward to that!

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