Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Joy in the framework of the

"Forty-three, after ten years of profound depression and despair, my real life began. I came to see was that my suffering was not the result of not having control; was the result of arguing with reality.

I discovered that if I believed my thoughts and suffered, but when they believe them and did not suffer, and this is essential for everybody. Freedom is simple. Suffering is optional. I found joy within me which disappearednever a single time.

Joy was to everyone, always. When the mind to the love of the truth, your life always gets delighted and kinder. "~ Byron Kathie ~

So many people search for happiness and joy in the wrong places, as in the case of love. Others make it more complicated than it is by buying in to the definitions of the other people what are happiness and joy. The truth is that everyone experiences of joy and happiness in their own unique way.

As human beings we are all able to experience happiness and joy. For many of us to experience joy and happiness does not come easy. Is not, we can live in a world where it is valued or modeled by so many. We all get caught up and having advanced mode as easy since we since we were very young, which. We would have another world, for example, if it was that the children to meditation as it began their day at school.

Many people spend years chasing after things that believe that will make them "happy". Money, fame, love, intellectual stimulation, charity work, making a difference in the world ... and the list goes on to say that these things take a certain level of happiness on the life of the people, but they pale yellow, compared with the joy that comes from knowing who you are.

The real joy comes from knowing yourself and who you are?. It comes from deep inside you. Joy comes from letting go of the critical Voice in your head. If you already have every thought in your head you find peace.

Ego's everything in your head, you're not telling you-good enough, you're wrong, you're not, you're not Kochane ... you're not ... you don't have. Thought that the information is not helpful to you is the ego. Thought that it did not acquire the ego. When you learn to not pay attention to these kinds of negative thoughts, your life will change.

The other main way joy will come to your life is to start focusing on the positives in your life. What I discovered is that, before proceeding to focus on all the goods you have in your life now, it will be expanded. At the beginning, you'll notice that you feel good. Just a few moments now and think about the positive things in your life. Consider them. What are youtruly grateful for?

Last but not least learn to live in the present. It was the time when I was living strictly in the past and in the future. I was utterly miserable. I felt I was always thinking about, or become in the past, usually with lesions and always in a to get elsewhere.

Now I can tell, every moment of daily life is a gift. I cherish every moment they need to learn to give and love. Learning all of my comments at the time of the purpose of enjoying what we do we do is still new to me. Simple, everyday things as does the dishes or cleaning or taking a shower and sitting on the right, here to write the article bring me so much joy!

Please take time now to leave me your comments, which are below. I'd love hear Your journey to find happiness and joy. What will help you access the joy that fits you? How to preserve access to the joys of deep in you? Thank you for taking time to visit here today.

Blessings and peace,


Neseret Bemient is a health and Wellness coach, speaker and author. She helps women and mothers in their healing journey, health and wholeness. If you want to learn more about Neseret and her work, follow this link http://www.neseretbemient.com/.

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