Monday, October 10, 2011

Control Your Thoughts As I Do Mine, For We All Become What We Think About

Sure, I lifted the title off an Earl Nightingale seminar, but that is the reality we all as human beings can all agree on. We all become what we do think about and do while thinking about it a majority of the time. If we did not, then, reality would really be just pure random chance. But it is not. It works like we make it work through our thoughts and actions, in that order. Sure, even if you do not agree with me or want to admit this reality, it is how life and existence does work. If life and existence did not work like that, then everyone would be uniformly rich or poor without exceptions and life would be based on pure fate without a chance to improve or get worse. Anyone with normal intelligence knows that the facts are different, that as long as there is a chance to improve, there is always a chance to improve as long as there are variables that can be adjusted somehow. So, as long as we think genuinely independently, we do become our thoughts and actions.

Sure, I could be more technical, but, I want this to be understood, not read and then almost everyone says to themselves in some form, "it sounds nice, but it cannot be put into practice." Realistically, it has to be understandable to be put into practice anyhow. So, think in these terms, if you can think, control your thoughts well, for they determine everything in your life including your actions beyond random chance. Let me put it this way, the better you control your thoughts, the less random chance has to do with it. Come on, though, I am not saying that random chance and margins are totally out of the picture or reality here, but I am saying that things are controllable to the extent that we use our consciousness, thoughts and actions productively in that order.

Sure, I am not saying that it is easy in any way though. I am just saying that things are controllable to the extent that we use our consciousness, thoughts and actions productively. Productively does not mean the same as "easy" or "hard", it just means productively as opposed to destructively. Productive is good, destructive is bad, those are the realistic semantics I am getting at. That last sentence, right there is as technical as I get in this article, because I want everyone to understand and understand in a deeply realistic way what I am getting at in this article. I am only getting technical near the end too, because the core message has been given. Sure, there are three paragraphs to this article that do count as "beginning", "middle" and "end", but realistically, this whole article is really just the beginning to the reality of this subject until put into practice in a permanently working way. When it is that, it is definitely on track forever. But until then, consider this article the beginning. As for the end, well it never ends. Effort and vigilance are forever, so is creativity and realistic productivity. For, it starts with thinking and ends in rational action in the sense that we all must do what we have to do. I end there, but, I hope I have stimulated and informed you of a full reality of the situation in this article. Note that I said "a full reality" and not "the full reality", because "the full" implies that there is a limit, "a full" means that there are other facets and limitless pieces to the puzzle picture before it even reaches close to being fulfilled and "put together" so to speak. This may seem like more semantics and meanings, but realistically, being thorough and honest is what makes it all worthwhile. Thought, action and fulfillment go together like that like puzzle pieces that work together.

My name is Joshua Clayton, I am a freelance writer based in Inglewood, California. I also write under a few pen-names and aliases, but Joshua Clayton is my real name, and I write by that for the most part now. I am a philosophical writer and objective thinker and honest action taker. I also work at a senior center in Gardena, California as my day job, among other things, but primarily I am a writer.

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