Mirror, Mirror on the wall...
Affirmations: what are they and how should I use them? The word "affirmation" carries the meaning of "a statement saying 'yes' to a situation." If your situation is one of being overweight, a possible affirmation could be "I am now a healthy weight for my body, age and lifestyle." "How can you say that?" you might ask. "It's just not true. At this particular moment I am NOT a healthy weight." Yes, yes, but the point of an affirmation is not to talk about the future, but state the situation as you WANT it to be NOW, without injecting desire into the statement. If you were to say "I will become a healthy weight for my body, age and lifestyle," it future-izes the situation, meaning that it can't be true, ever, because it is stated as a future situation. The future never comes; it's always just beyond reach. Just trust that the Universe will make it true for you.
The best way to state your affirmation is by looking into a mirror (your bathroom mirror is good because (1) you can lock the door, (2) you don't need to speak loudly to hear yourself, and (3) you spend some moments in front of it at least twice a day, while brushing your teeth). This won't take long after the first time. The first time you must gaze into your own face with love and acceptance as you are today. That may take a moment for some people. We're trained as children to look for the faults rather than the assets. Take your time. Look and, when you feel the love, smile at yourself as you would at a new friend you feel will be a best friend. Then with deliberate intensity recite your affirmation at least three times.
If you compose a good affirmation, and continue to say it twice (or more often) per day, you will see results within three weeks. I don't know why three weeks is the time it takes, but that it is. Think about it, however, like this: what you are using is your own time. If you follow this prescription that time will add up to less than a total hour over three weeks (2 minutes/day plus composing time), and you will have affected a change in your life painlessly. Okay, now repeat after me: "Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the best, happiest and most beautiful of all? I am, I am, I am!!"
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